Do you know the answer for these questions related to Organic Vegetables?
In align with higher living standard, we focus more on healthy diet. Most of us has chosen to prepare our own meal at home instead of dining outside. We also tend to select healthy and unpolluted organic vegetables as ingredient. Except good taste and consume with confident, what do you know about organic vegetables? Do you have the answer for the following questions?
Organic vegetables are grown according to natural way. Neither chemical fertilizer and pesticide nor additives and plant hormone are used along the process. Hence, cells of plant are filled and packed, containing more natural minerals and nutrients. Regularly consuming organic vegetables will replenish our body with more nutrient elements.
During adolescent age range, the development of body and functions of liver is weaker compared to grown adult. Currently, problems like pesticides leftover keep on reminding us to choose healthy and pesticide-free food. Organic vegetables do not contain chemical fertilizer and plant hormones. Regularly consuming organic vegetables will reduce the chances of intake of pesticides leftover, plant hormones etc. As a result, it also reduces the chances of getting sick.
1. Why do vegetables will turn into yellowish and rotten?
Without sufficient sunlight, the formation of chlorophyl is forbidden. Generally, the leaves will turn yellowish and thinner, nutrient will be lesser. Continuously flush of rain will wash away nutrient contained in soil, resulting in imbalance of minerals.
1. 为什么菜很快变黄和腐烂?
2. Why will vegetables taste bitter?
For some vegetables, photosynthesis process is more aggressive when temperature is higher than 35℃. Metabolism of cell consume more energy than photosynthesis process. This will cause the vegetables to taste bitter.
Organic vegetables are grown in natural way and its maturity period is longer. Physiological drought of vegetables due to insufficient water intake during hot summer seasons will cause it to taste bitter.
2. 为什么菜会有苦味?
对于有些蔬菜来说,当温度超过35℃时,蔬菜的光合作用强,呼吸所消耗的能量高于光合产物,因此也会产生苦味。 有机蔬菜的种植严格遵循自然生长方式,生长周期较长,因此在炎热的夏季很容易水分不足,植株发生生理干旱,从而产生苦味。
3. Why cabbage group vegetables will have black spot?
Formation of black spot is because of physiological disorders due to abnormal metabolism between water and nitrogen. It is affected by concentration of nitrogen in soil and other environmental conditions such as water content and temperature.
Small black spot is a type of physiological disease and not caused by germs. The main factor is nitrogen in leaves undergoes abnormal physiological metabolism. Although the appearance deteriorates, it does not affect consumption of the vegetables.
3. 为什么白菜类会有黑点?
4. Why is the head of radish family will be purple or green in colour?
Radish family is grown underneath and covered in soil. When radish grow to certain size, it will grow upward and expose to sunlight when there is not enough space in soil. The colour is formed due to exposure of sunlight.
5. Why is cauliflower will turn into purple colour? Is it safe to consume?
It is okay to consume purple cauliflower. Purple is formed because glycoside turn into anthocyan when formed cauliflower in contact with low temperature suddenly. It is okay to consume as long as the cauliflower is fresh.
Formation of black spot is a sign of mildew. Generally, it starts to appear at the surface of cauliflower only and does not affect the inner part. It is okay to consume cauliflower after removal of the black spot on the surface of the cauliflower.
5.为什么白菜花会变紫色? 可以吃吗?
6. Why do vegetables have holes, worms and snails?
This is normal phenomenon. Some even have worm spot and worm hole. This is because organic agriculture is prohibited from using chemical pesticides. Pest control physically and biologically is unable to kill worms completely. During raining season, worms and snails will hide inside indoor vegetables.
6. 为什么菜会有洞, 虫和蜗牛?
7. Why will broccoli turn yellowish?
Broccoli will turn into yellowish due to long hour put aside, causing loss of water. Furthermore, no chlorophyl is produced due to lack of sunlight. Yellowish broccoli is just a sign of loss of nutrient. It is not rotten and is safe to be consumed. Compact is an important measure when you hand pick a broccoli. It should feel dense, compact and heavyweight in your hand. The overall of broccoli should be stepping up and surface shall be smooth.
7. 为什么花椰菜会黄?
花椰菜之所以变黄是因为长时间的搁置,导致体内水分流失,又得不到阳光的照射,没办法产生叶绿素,变黄的花椰菜只是体内的营养成分在大量的流失,但并没有坏掉,完全可以食用。 挑选花椰菜重要的指标时是紧实,手摸上要紧实饱满,拿起来感觉沉重。花球整体有隆起感,表面凹凸感要少。
8. Is it okay to eat sprouted sweet potatoes?
Unlike potatoes, sweet potatoes belong to Convolvulaceae family. Potatoes belongs to nightshade (Solanaceae) family. When potatoes sprouted, it will produce enzyme and is no longer safe to be eaten. Sweet potatoes do not produce enzymes and is okay to be eaten. It is not recommended to put aside for a long time because it will affect the texture.
8. 番薯发芽可以吃吗?
9. Is it okay to eat sprouted potaoes?
No. Potatoes belong to nightshade (Solanaceae) family. It will produce Glycoalkaloid, or Solanine. Glycoalkaloid is a natural toxin. It assists the plant against sickness and pest, however, consuming it might result in acute intoxication.
Especially when potatoes sprouted, the volume of glycoalkaloid increase by 5-6 times. Glycoalkaloid is very stable and cannot be detoxification even after it is cooked. Consuming sprouted potatoes might result in vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea etc. Sprouted potatoes should be discarded as whole and not removal of the sprouted part only.
9. 马铃薯发芽可以吃吗?
10. How long can vegetables be kept? How can vegetables to kept to maintain its freshness?
Generally, it is recommended vegetables to be consumed within 3 days. When you get vegetables, discard the packed plastic and put inside fridge vertically. This will strengthen the vegetables. Be reminded, organic vegetables cannot be cut and kept. Cut vegetables will hasten loss of nutrient, easily oxidation and also increase the chance of intrusion by microorganisms, causing it to be rotten easily.
10. 菜可以收多少天?如何保存较为新鲜?
11. Which type of vegetables do not need to be refrigerated?
Generally, vegetables with high content of sugar and come with rough and tough outer layer do not need to be refrigerated. This includes carrot, onion, sweet potatoes, yam, burdock etc. It is best to be stored at cool places. Especially rhizomes plants like potatoes, refrigerated will hasten the sprouting process.
It is important to preserve water for organic leafy vegetables. Also, we need to prevent the leaf from getting rotten. We may cover the root part with wet kitchen paper towel and put it inside refrigerator vertically with root facing down. This may reduce loss of water and lock the freshness. Most of lefty vegetables are suitable to be stored at between 0℃ to 5℃, but not lower than 0℃. Organic vegetables are best to be kept in around 85% humidity condition.
As a summary
- Remove packed package and store vertically
- Cut vegetable will hasten rotten process.
- It’s best to store high sugar content and tough outer surface vegetable at cool place
- Cover root of leafy vegetables with wet kitchen paper towel
- Store in refrigerator vertically to lock its freshness
- The best condition is between 0℃ to 5℃ with 85% humidity
Fresh food has very limited storage time even with good storage skill. Hence, it is the best to consume them as soon as you have received organic vegetables.
11. 什么蔬菜不必放冰箱?
四句有机蔬菜贮存小口号,蔬菜保鲜没烦恼 ~
- 去除包装竖着放,切开存放易腐烂。
- 糖多皮厚根茎类,阴凉存放更健康。
- 厨巾粘湿裹叶菜,直立冷藏锁新鲜。
- 冷藏温度有学问,0℃至5℃为较佳。
12. Why is the shape of spinach not nice?
Spinach, according to its seed form, can be categorized into 2 types, i.e with thorn and without thorn.
Thorn type
Seeds are rhombus in shape. Leaf is smaller and thin, halberd-headed or arrow in shape. It is soft and less astringent, suitable for edible (sharp leaf type). High tolerance for high temperature and low temperature, short mature period, early bolting.
Without Thorn type (Garden leafy type)
Seeds are irregular round shape and without thorn. Leaf is bigger, large and ruffle, egg round, oval or irregular in shape with short petiole. Low tolerance for high temperature, Late bolting. Suitable for overwintering cultivation.
12. 为什么波菜形状不美?
有刺种 :
有刺种 :
13. Which type of vegetables are suitable to be eaten raw?
Some organic vegetables are best to be eaten raw. For example, organice coral lettuce,organic carrot etc. Eaten raw can reduce loss of nutrient and easier to be absorbed by body.
13. 哪些蔬菜适合生吃?